Seeing the opportunity to utilize digital marketing, PT Patra Jasa, through its business unit Patra Cirebon Hotel & Convention, carried out a Social & Environmental Responsibility (CSR) by providing Digital Marketing Training, Friday (6/10). On that occasion, the symbolic handover of supporting devices for digital marketing activities that can be used in efforts to develop MSMEs in Cirebon Regency was also carried out.
VP Secretary Corporate PT Patra Jasa, Rina Martha said that in this TJSL, Patra Jasa through its business unit Patra Cirebon Hotel & Convention held an Online Marketing E-commerce training, as well as providing supporting tools and infrastructure that are expected to be used in the marketing strategy learning process for MSME activists in the Kedawung area. “Hopefully this assistance can be useful and provide experience for MSME activists in the Kedawung area to develop sales and market their products online. We hope they can be more independent in entrepreneurship and more prosperous,” he said.
In addition, General Manager of Patra Cirebon Hotel & Convention, I Gusti Made Juniarta said that this CSR is a mandatory program implemented by the company as a real contribution to the community and the surrounding environment. Previously, the CSR was carried out in the education and environmental sectors and this year, focuses on MSMEs where this is in line with the government’s focus on encouraging the development of MSMEs in various regions. “After coordinating with related agencies, one of the things that is currently needed by MSMEs in Cirebon Regency is digital marketing training, and finally we support training and infrastructure,” he explained.
There are 50 MSMEs who participated in this training. After receiving digital marketing training, they will receive further material at the training center in Cirebon Regency, Business Development Service. The supporting tools for training facilities provided include laptops, printers, and folding tables which are expected to help MSMEs when participating in bazaars to promote their products.
Meanwhile, the Head of the Cooperatives & Small & Medium Enterprises Service, Drs H Dadang Suhendra MSi also expressed his gratitude for the attention from Patra Cirebon Hotel to MSMEs in Cirebon Regency. Currently, Cirebon Regency has 202,017 MSMEs, while in the Kedawung sub-district around the Patra Cirebon Hotel area, there are around 3,763 MSMEs. The majority of these MSMEs produce culinary, to processed foods such as crackers and melinjo chips. Apart from the pandemic, currently the challenges for MSMEs in Cirebon Regency are the packaging which is still simple, human resources and management are still low, product quality is not optimal, and legalization is still low. “The total of MSMEs in the Regency, only 40% have gone digital, it is hoped that this training and infrastructure assistance can help develop the skills of MSMEs again,” he said.