Halal Bihalal Eid Al-Fitr 1445 H Patra Jasa

Halal Bihalal Eid Al-Fitr 1445 H Patra Jasa

April 18, 2024

After a month of Ramadan has passed, Patra Jasa has conducted a series of activities in the form of Ramadan safaris with several business units of Patra Jasa. As a gesture of gratitude of the Ramadan safari that has been held and for all the blessings received throughout the month of Ramadan, Patra Jasa held a Halal Bihalal Eid-Al-Fitr 1445 H gathering with the spirit of the Energy of Togetherness, attended by the Board of Directors, Management, and PERWIRA of Patra Jasa at the Yudistira Ballroom, Jakarta (4/18).


On this occasion, the President Director of Patra Jasa, Putut Ariwibowo, expressed gratitude and appreciation for all the contributions made by the officers during the month of Ramadan and extended a request for forgiveness, both physically and spiritually, to all the officers. In addition, there was a sermon with Ustadz Syaiful Hidayat S.Pd.I who reminded all PERWIRA about the blessings and mercy of Allah and the importance of being grateful and forgiving our mistakes to others.


We hope this halal bihalal event can strengthen the bonds of friendship, enhance solidarity as the Patra Jasa Group, and foster collaboration between divisions, so that we can provide the best for the Company.