Inauguration and Handover of Management Positions at PT Patra Jasa

Inauguration and Handover of Management Positions at PT Patra Jasa

January 9, 2024

To expedite Patra Jasa’s business processes, on January 9, 2024, the Inauguration and Handover of Management Positions of PT Patra Jasa were conducted. The inauguration and handover were directly witnessed by the Patra Jasa Board of Directors and attended by the Subsidiary Directors as well as representatives from each division.

With this inauguration, the organization is expected to be able to focus more on determining strategies, cutting bureaucracy, and motivating management in carrying out their duties. The company’s business wheel can also continue to turn with the creation of new innovations that align with Patra Jasa’s vision and mission.

Here are the names of the new officials appointed as part of the VP Patra Jasa:

Main Directorate:

1. VP Quality, Health, Safety Environment – Nur Rohman

2. Chief Audit Executive – S. W. Nugrahaningrum

3. Chief Legal & Compliance – Harni Latfia

4. VP Corporate Secretary – M. Devry Farany

Directorate of Finance & General Affairs:

1. VP Procurement – Andhi Charly Amalo

2. VP Asset Management & General Affairs – Joko Mediantoro

3. VP Controller & Reporting – Gusti Nyoman Oka C.

4. VP Corporate Finance & Risk Management – Bhakti Yuwanda

Directorate of Strategy & Business Development:

1. VP Business Development – Mohammad Shabri Jami

2. VP Digital Development – Ahmad Baihaki

3. VP Central Project Management – Dyah Kusuma Wardhany

Directorate of Property:

1. VP Marketing & Sales Property – Witteriya Ningsih

2. VP Planning and Design Property – Alfa Surayya

3. VP Production and Control – Andi Kornel Manik

4. VP Property Management – I Gusti Ayu Ariawati Anjarini

Directorate of Hospitality & Multi Services:

1. VP Marketing & Sales – Rina Martha

2. VP Design & Production Planning – Artanthy Wisnuwardhany

3. VP Hospitality Management – Fairus Sungkar

4. VP Multi Services Management – Said Bani Adam