As a step to refresh the Management environment and encourage the improvement of the company’s performance, Patra Jasa conducted a Board of Directors reshuffle directly led by the President Director of PT Pertamina (Persero), Nicke Widyawati, at Grha Pertamina (15/5).
The directors who have changed are the President Director, previously held by Putut Ariwibowo, now held by Ray SM Daulay. Other director changes include the Director of Strategy and Business Development, Evalina Sitepu, now held by M. Indharto Rusman, and the Director of Hospitality and Multi Services, previously held by Ray S. M. Daulay, now held by Rizky Mahesa Dwiyana, as well as the appointment of Independent Commissioner, Nazali Lempo.
With this change, the new Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners of PT Patra Jasa are as follows:
Board of Directors: