Patra Jasa Again Wins The 2020 BUMN Award

Patra Jasa Again Wins The 2020 BUMN Award

July 9, 2020

Jakarta, 9 July 2020 

As one of the Company’s commitments in implementing Good Corporate Governance (GCG), PT Patra Jasa proved it by winning the “II Best Corporate Governance (GCG) category” at the 2020 BUMN Award. This category is an appreciation to BUMN, Private, and Government Companies that implemented Good Corporate Governance during 2019. The award was given on Thursday, July 9, 2020 at The Maj, Senayan, Jakarta.

Previously, Patra Jasa has received an award in the BUMN Award for 2 (two) consecutive years in the ‘II Best Partnership and Environmental Development Program (PKBL) 2018 and ‘II Best Organizational Transformation’ in 2019. This is the 3rd year Patra Jasa has received the BUMN Award.

President Director of PT Patra Jasa, Dani Adriananta said, “We are very grateful for the appreciation given. This is clear evidence that we have consistently implemented good Corporate Governance. We are committed to continue to maintain this title and continue to contribute to national economic growth in global competition.”

The BUMN Award is an event to appreciate the contribution of BUMN and BUMN Subsidiaries who have shown superior and competitive performance at the national and global levels. This event was initiated by BUMN Track Magazine together with PPM Manajemen. The assessment of the 9th Anugerah BUMN 2020 was carried out through the stages of filling out questionnaires, presentations, and interviews, so that this Event has proven weight and integrity and the results can be a reflection for the future management of BUMN and BUMN Subsidiaries that are more professional, transparent and competitive.