Safety is the major thing in our daily activities. Patra Jasa as a company that has approximately 850 employees and 3000 work partners engaged in services, of course prioritizes safety for all workers as a support for the smooth running of its business operations.
In collaboration with Astra Honda Motor (AHM), Patra Jasa provides 3 days of Safety Riding Training for officers of the Multi Services Division (FMS). “By holding driver safety training, employees are expected to be more aware of driving safety in order to create a culture of safety in everyday life. Besides that, of course, as a form of preventing work accidents in Patra Jasa, considering that the mobility to and from work for officers and partners is dominated by motorbikes,” concluded Patra Jasa HSSE Manager Rizuli Akbar.
During the training (13-15 December 2021), the instructor from AHM explained 3 important points that must always be remembered, which are the importance of increasing awareness of the situation when driving, basic knowledge of body posture and the equipment needed and being prepared when going to the airport. drive. “The training which was attended by approximately 400 officers is one of Patra Jasa’s commitments in protecting the safety of workers, especially those who ride motorbikes to work sites. This is done considering that 75% of the vehicles involved in the accident are motorized vehicles according to data from the Kompas daily in 2019,” said VP Human Capital & General Affairs Joko Mediantoro in his remarks at the opening of the training.