Wear Kebaya, Patra Jasa Invites the Spirit of Women’s Emancipation

Wear Kebaya, Patra Jasa Invites the Spirit of Women’s Emancipation

April 21, 2024

In commemoration of Kartini Day on April 21, in honor of Raden Ajeng Kartini’s contributions, because of her efforts, Indonesian women can work and actively participate in various fields in the workforce. This opens up the thought of how important it is to provide equal support and opportunities for women to achieve their goals and aspirations in their careers.


Patra Jasa, as a company with 34 female employees, which constitutes 38.6% of the total 88 managerial positions in the company, has placed women in important positions within the company. This proves that gender equality is important in taking concrete steps to ensure that every woman has fair access to many things. By promoting women’s empowerment, we not only build a more inclusive and innovative organization but also create a wide-ranging positive impact in society.


To enliven the celebration of Kartini Day, “In this moment of commemorating Kartini Day, PT Patra Jasa would like to express appreciation to all the Female workers at Patra Jasa for their dedication and contributions that have been given to the Company all this time. Through this kebaya activity, we hope to build the self-confidence of the Female Officers at Patra Jasa. Additionally, this activity can also serve as a form of internal engagement in creating a positive and supportive work environment,” said Moh. Devry Farany, VP Corporate Secretary.