Collaboration Between Patra Jasa and KLHK Through Workshop & Training on Environmental Management

Collaboration Between Patra Jasa and KLHK Through Workshop & Training on Environmental Management

May 20, 2022

PT Patra Jasa is committed to implementing environmental management to achieve the goal of Zero Environmental Pollution, through efforts to comply with laws and regulations related to the environment, placing environmental management efforts as a top priority, and inviting interested parties to carry out environmental management and conservation efforts in all operating units.


The workers’ competency is the key to sustain the Company’s commitments. In order to improve competence related to environmental management and understanding the applicable laws and regulations, the HSSE Division (Health, Safety, Security and Environment) and the HCGA & Asset Management Division of PT Patra Jasa held a Training and Workshop on Environmental Management & Socialization of the Electronic Reporting Information System (SIMPEL) at Patra Surabaya Hotel at the end of May 2022 which was attended by environmental management workers in all of the Company’s business units including hotel units, and properties.


In collaboration with the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK), attending training and workshops to provide several presentations, Lindawati from the Directorate of Water Pollution Control, Amelia Rachmatunisa from the Directorate of Hazardous Waste Management, and Dede Romdanih from the Directorate of Air Pollution Control. Amelia stated, “Companies must report compliance with environmental management through SIMPEL as an indicator of evaluating the performance of the Company’s environmental management”.


By organizing these activities, hopefully that the employees can improve their understanding and competence on the implementation of environmental management in each business unit, optimalization the coordination and consultation to fulfil environmental management compliance. “The company demand to ensure that environmental management compliance in each business unit is in accordance with the requirements and provisions of the applicable laws, to achieve a compliance environmental management performance rating and increase the Company’s ESG performance,” said Rizuli Akbar, HSSE Manager of PT Patra Jasa.