Pertamina’s Important Steps to Create Zero Emission Target

Pertamina’s Important Steps to Create Zero Emission Target

December 6, 2023

Holding a successful topping off for the Integrated Research & Technology Center (RTC) facility, PT Patra Jasa presented this event in order to provide a gift for the 66th anniversary of PT Pertamina (Persero). This achievement is one of the important moments in creating Indonesia’s zero emission target by 2060.


Pertamina’s Integrated RTC is not just a central building for research and technology needs. More than that, the RTC is expected to support Indonesia’s energy independence. From here, innovations will be born that can realize Indonesia’s energy transition in the future.


So far, research and technology places have been standing separately. The existence of the RTC makes research and technology more integrated.


“This Integrated RTC is a real manifestation of business continuity, increasing oil and gas production, increasing diversification of processing products, and encouraging new innovations, related to sustainability and other Pertamina net zero emission efforts,” said SVP Upstream & Portfolio Co. Business Development & Portfolio, Edy Karyanto, Wednesday, December 6, 2023.


The Integrated RTC located on Pertamina’s land on Jalan Daan Mogot KM 16, West Jakarta was built using Building Information Modeling (BIM) technology, and is supported by the use of smart-construction technology, such as Augmented Reality.


The Integrated RTC consists of several buildings, including the main laboratory with 51 laboratories that can accommodate approximately 200 workers and is scheduled for completion in August 2024.


The open laboratory is estimated to be able to accommodate 50 workers, and the business center with a capacity of approximately 100 workers. The entire building is equipped with supporting facilities.


“The construction of this building is a real manifestation of Pertamina’s seriousness in supporting the Government’s program to reduce the effects of global warming,” said Edy.


Each building in the Integrated RTC has superior facilities to support research results that are beneficial to Indonesia, such as integrated laboratory facilities for research, upstream, downstream, prioritizing the concept of green building, using solar panels to provide building energy, implementing a building automation system in building operations, and maximizing the utilization of the Domestic Component Level (TKDN).


Edy hopes that the construction process of the Integrated RTC can be completed on time, without experiencing any obstacles.


“In the future, Pertamina will continue to innovate, develop new and renewable energy, and implement Carbon Capture, Utilization & Storage (CCUS) and Nature-Based Solutions (NBS), and target a reduction in carbon dioxide (CO2) of up to 81.4 million tons by 2060,” said Edy.


Present at this event were the Director of Operations for EPC PT PP Ir. Eddy Herman Harun; SVP Research Technology & Innovation PT Pertamina  Oki Muraza, Pjs. SVP Asset Management PT Pertamina, Doddy Dhirgantara, President Director of PT Patra Jasa, Putut Ariwibowo; Property Director of PT Patra Jasa, Whisnu Bahriansyah; Finance and General Director of PT Patra Jasa, Fadjar Judisiawan; Hospitality and Multi Services Director of PT Patra Jasa, Ray S.M. Daulay; and Strategy and Business Development Director of PT Patra Jasa, Evalina Sitepu.


The construction of the Integrated RTC building involves PT Patra Jasa in collaboration with PT PP. President Director of PT Patra Jasa, Putut Ariwibowo said that BIM technology, Engineering and Construction (AEC) and technology in the field of Architecture can simulate all information in a construction project into a three-dimensional model.


“The accuracy of the work increases, including the arrangement of work in the field and can further mitigate construction risks,” said Putut.


He emphasized that Patra Jasa is committed to fully supporting Pertamina Holding’s program in an effort to become a global energy champion, including through the construction of the Integrated RTC. According to Putut, Patra Jasa received an assignment from the Pertamina SPPU Directorate on January 14, 2022 to build this facility.


The construction of the Integrated RTC located on Jalan Daan Mogot KM 16, West Jakarta, prioritizes the concept of green building, prioritizing the concept of green design, neutral and high technology, for example, it is designed to be explosion-proof in the pilot laboratory and from the beginning it pays attention to the aspect of ease in building maintenance.


“Patra Jasa is ready to help achieve Pertamina’s goals and aspirations. We hope that the construction can be carried out according to plan so that it can be utilized by Pertamina and can contribute to Pertamina’s business growth,” he said.