President Director of Patra Jasa Signs Land Utilization Agreement for ADP IKN Land Allocation

President Director of Patra Jasa Signs Land Utilization Agreement for ADP IKN Land Allocation

October 18, 2024

Patra Jasa and the Nusantara Capital Authority (OIKN) of the Republic of Indonesia have signed the Land Utilization Agreement for Asset Allocation in Control (ADP) and the Notarial Deed for Pioneer Business Actors during the series of Ground Breaking VIII held at the Ministerial Building, Ministry of PUPR, Jakarta (18/10).


The Land Utilization Agreement for Asset Land Allocation under the Authority of the Nusantara Capital City is a commitment between OIKN and Patra Jasa in the context of ADP Land Allocation and land utilization agreements in accordance with the provisions of land legislation. The ADP Land referred to is land located in the Nusantara Capital City area that is not related to government administration and has been allocated from OIKN to Patra Jasa, based on the Decision on ADP Parcel/Land Allocation.


This signing was conducted by M. Basuki Hadimuljono as the Acting Head of the Nusantara Capital Authority as the ADP User and Ray SM Daulay as the President Director of Patra Jasa, also was attended by M. Indharto Rusman as the Director of Strategy and Business Development of Patra Jasa.


The signing of this Notarial Deed completes the pioneering investor stage in investment in the IKN and serves as a form of dedication from both domestic and foreign investors to build an ecosystem in the IKN. Patra Jasa is committed to realizing sustainable development and resource management in the Capital City (IKN).

In the legislation related to the Nusantara Capital City, the OIKN is an agency at the ministerial level established under Law Number 3 of 2022 concerning the State Capital, as amended by Law Number 21 of 2023 and Presidential Regulation Number 62 of 2022 concerning the Nusantara Capital Authority. Meanwhile, PT Patra Jasa is a business entity as referred to in Presidential Regulation Number 75 of 2024 concerning the Acceleration of the Development of the Nusantara Capital City.